Acupuncture especially if started early can help resolve the outbreak faster treat the pain prevent nerve damage and chronic post herpetic neuralgia pain as well as helping to build the immune system back up to prevent another outbreak.
Can acupuncture help with shingles nerve pain.
Tianjing university of traditional chinese medicine researchers combined acupuncture with standard drug therapy.
Even once the blisters have subsided patients can be left with severe neuralgia nerve pain which may last for several weeks or months.
Shingles can be a terribly distressing condition whose after effects can persist for months or even years.
The treatment of shingles has historically been treated by acupuncture within the traditional chinese medicine tcm system for well over 1 000 years.
I hope you enjoyed this article on just one of many valuable uses of acupuncture.
In the case of shingles it affects about 1 million people in the united states each year and 1 in 10 people develop postherpetic neuralgia nerve pain from damaged nerves due to shingles that lasts months or years after the rash goes away.
Please can you tell me if acupuncture would benefit me.
As you might imagine we have been asked about this many times over the years.
Acupuncture relieves pain due to shingles reduces the need for painkillers speeds the healing of herpes zoster lesions and reduces the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia phn.
Acupuncture is known to be extremely effective in treating pain.